xposed root_五个有用的Xposed模块,用于自定义您的Root Android手机
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xposed root

xposed root

Modding Android is far from a new idea, and when it comes to bending the OS to your will, is one of the most powerful tools out there. While there are dozens of Xposed modules available, we’ve picked a handful of our favorites to help you step your Android game to the next level.

改装Android并不是一个新主意,当涉及到按自己的意愿调整OS时, 是其中功能最强大的工具之一。 虽然有数十个 Xposed模块可​​用,但我们选择了一些我们的最爱来帮助您将Android游戏提升到一个新的水平。

什么是Xposed? (What Is Xposed?)

In a nutshell, the Xposed Framework allows users to pick and choose what features they’d like and apply them to a stock ROM instead of constantly flashing new ROMs. It’s quick and easy, but there are a few things that we need to talk about before you start going crazy with this ultra-powerful tool.

简而言之,Xposed Framework允许用户选择所需的功能并将其应用于常规ROM,而不是不断刷新新的ROM。 它既快速又简单,但是在您开始使用此超强大的工具发疯之前,我们需要谈论一些事情。

To put it simply: Xposed doesn’t support Google’s latest stable release, Android Nougat (7.x). The plan is to eventually roll out Xposed support for the OS, but unfortunately there are a lot of hurdles to jump before that can happen. The developer of Xposed released a statement back in January of 2017 stating that support is coming, along with an explanation of why this is such a difficult task. If you’re into details, you can .

简而言之:Xposed不支持Google最新的稳定版本Android Nougat(7.x)。 该计划最终是要为操作系统提供Xposed支持,但不幸的是,在此之前还存在很多障碍。 Xposed的开发者早在2017年1月发布了一份声明,声明支持即将到来,并解释了为什么这是如此艰巨的任务。 如果您想了解详细信息,可以 。

Another thing worth noting is that Xposed can sometimes cause unintended side effects when used on manufacturer ROMs—like Samsung or LG. Basically, Xposed modules are generally designed with stock Android in mind, and Samsung or LG devices are running anything but stock Android.

另一点值得注意的是,当Xposed用于制造商ROM(例如Samsung或LG)时,有时会引起意想不到的副作用。 基本上,Xposed模块通常在设计时就考虑了现有的Android,而Samsung或LG设备运行的则是现有的Android。

While you can use Xposed on these devices, I’d tread carefully—you never know what sort of things can go wrong when you start trying to mix things that may not necessarily want to play nicely with each other.


If you’re running a pre-Nougat version of stock or near-stock Android, though, you’re good—we already have a couple of excellent primers on getting started with Xposed, so regardless of whether you want to use the or the (the latter of which is recommending on Marshmallow or newer)—we have you covered. Check out those guides to getting started, then come back here for ideas.

不过,如果您运行的是牛轧糖之前的库存版本或接近库存的Android,那很好–我们已经有了一些关于Xposed入门的优秀入门手册,因此无论您是否要使用或无系统 (后者建议在棉花糖或更新的方法上使用)—我们为您服务。 查看这些入门指南,然后再回到这里获取想法。

如何安装Xposed模块 (How to Install Xposed Modules)

We detailed this in our Xposed guides, but just as a refresher: once Xposed is installed and ready to go, finding the below modules is a snap. Just open the Xposed Installer, open the menu, and select “Download.”

我们在Xposed指南中对此进行了详细介绍,但只是作为更新:在安装Xposed并且准备好使用Xposed之后,立即找到以下模块。 只需打开Xposed安装程序,打开菜单,然后选择“下载”。

Simply tap the magnifying glass to search for the modules you’d like to install—they’ll be named below exactly as you’ll find them in the Installer.


Alternatively, we’ll link to each module we discuss in this guide, which will direct you to the on the web. You can ready the developers’ descriptions of their modules, as well as download them directly from there.

另外,我们将链接到本指南中讨论的每个模块,从而将您定向到Web上的 。 您可以准备开发人员对其模块的描述,也可以直接从那里下载。

Pick your poison—they’re two means to the same end. Here are the modules we think you should check out.

选择你的毒药-这是达到同一目的的两种手段。 这是我们认为您应该检查的模块。

延长电池寿命:绿色化和放大 (For Better Battery Life: Greenify and Amplify)

If there was ever a reason to “need” to root your phone, it’s for better battery life. Android has gotten much better over the years on its own, but you can really supercharge your phone’s battery with a pair of excellent Xposed modules that easily work in tandem: Greenify and Amplify.

如果有理由“需要”扎根手机,则可以延长电池寿命。 多年来,Android本身已经变得越来越好,但是您可以使用一对出色的Xposed模块(Greenify和Amplify)轻松协同工作,为手机电池充电。

Greenify is available for all Android users, even non-rooted ones. Greenify naturally hibernates apps you aren’t using to save battery, and it’s pretty handy. We’ve , so we won’t go too in-depth on what Greenify is.

Greenify适用于所有Android用户,甚至包括非root用户。 Greenify自然会使您不使用的应用程序Hibernate以节省电池,这非常方便。 我们在已经进行 ,因此我们不会对Greenify是什么进行太深入的了解。

If you’re rooted, Greenify is even better. With its accompanying Xposed module, Greenify hibernates apps the same way Android does natively. It can work hand-in-hand with , even bringing some of the newer, Nougat-only features to older versions of the OS. The Xposed module adds even more, allowing you to hibernate messaging apps without giving up notifications.

如果您扎根,Greenify会更好。 借助其随附的Xposed模块,Greenify可以以与Android本机相同的方式使应用程序Hibernate。 它可以与并驾齐驱,甚至可以将某些新的,仅限牛轧糖的功能引入旧版操作系统。 Xposed模块添加了更多功能,使您可以在不放弃通知的情况下Hibernate消息传递应用程序。

, on the other hand, allows users to take more granular control of Android wakelocks. This basically means you can tell Android when and for how long it can leave its sleep state, which essentially prevents it any service or app from allowing it to wake up and not return to sleep. There are extensive customizations available in this module, though it’s configured rather nicely right out of the gate.

另一方面, 允许用户对Android唤醒锁进行更精细的控制。 基本上,这意味着您可以告诉Android何时以及何时可以离开睡眠状态,这从根本上阻止了任何服务或应用程序都允许其唤醒而不返回睡眠状态。 尽管已对模块进行了很好的配置,但该模块中有大量自定义内容。

We recommend installing both and from the Play Store, then enabling their respective Modules from within Xposed.

我们建议从Play商店安装和 ,然后从Xposed中启用它们各自的模块。

有关更有用的电源菜单:高级电源菜单+(APM +) (For a More Useful Power Menu: Advanced Power Menu+ (APM+))

is a simple way to customize Android’s power menu, not only bringing useful tweaks like an instant reboot button to the forefront, but also adding the ability to throw toggles—like Wi-Fi and flashlight—into the menu.


It’s super intuitive and easy to use—just tap the “+” button to add what you want, tweak the setting, and bam! that’s it.

它非常直观且易于使用-只需点击“ +”按钮即可添加您想要的内容,调整设置并点击 而已。

对于在受阻的手机上进行网络共享:X系链 (For Tethering on Phones Where It’s Blocked: X Tether)

If you’ve ever needed to tether your phone’s cellular connection to another device but can’t because it’s blocked by your carrier, is your tool. There’s no forward-facing interface here, as this is just a simple tool that unblocks Android’s native tethering feature.

如果您曾经需要将手机的蜂窝网络连接绑定到另一台设备,但是由于运营商阻止了它,则不需 ,那么是您的工具。 这里没有前向接口,因为这只是一个简单的工具,可以解除阻止Android的本地网络共享功能。


We’ve spent more time with X Tether in the past, so for a full rundown, .

过去,我们在X Tether上花费了更多时间,因此,如果需要全面了解, 。

对于几乎所有内容的更深入的定制:GravityBox (For Deeper Customization Of Just About Everything: GravityBox)

Still unsatisfied? If you’re the kind of person that like to tweak every little thing—from looks to functionality—GravityBox is the Xposed module for you.

还是不满意? 如果您是那种喜欢从外观到功能进行微调的人,那么GravityBox就是适合您的Xposed模块。

GravityBox is basically a massive all-in-one tool that offers a slew of additional tweaks (both aesthetic and functional) for everything from the lock screen to the status bar, and so much more. We can’t possibly cover everything GravityBox does in this post, but just know that if you’re using Xposed, this is a must-have app.

GravityBox基本上是一个庞大的多合一工具,它为锁​​定屏幕到状态栏等所有内容提供了一系列附加的调整(包括美观性和功能性)。 在这篇文章中,我们可能无法涵盖GravityBox所做的所有事情,但是只知道,如果您使用的是Xposed,则这是必备应用程序。

There is one thing to be aware of, however: there’s a different version of GravityBox for every version of Android, so you must install the correct one. The good news is it’s super easy to figure out which one is right for you—the letters following the name line up with version of Android they’re compatible with. For example, is for Marshmallow ROMs, , , and so on.

但是,需要注意一件事:每个Android版本都有不同的GravityBox版本,因此您必须安装正确的版本。 好消息是,找出哪一个最适合您非常容易-名称后面的字母与它们兼容的Android版本一致。 例如, 用于棉花糖ROM, , ,依此类推。

Download it, install it, and start browsing the menus to see everything you can do.


While it still may not support Nougat for a while, Xposed is an excellent tool for those using older ROMs. In fact, many Xposed users are refusing to upgrade to anything newer than Marshmallow because they rely so heavily on the modules. Either way, if you’re not running Nougat and have a rooted handset, there’s no reason not to use Xposed. In fact, it may be worth considering rooting your handset if there’s a specific bit of functionality you’re looking for.

虽然Xposed可能仍会暂时不支持Nougat,但是Xposed对于使用较旧ROM的用户来说是一个出色的工具。 实际上,许多Xposed用户拒绝升级到比棉花糖更新的任何东西,因为他们非常依赖模块。 无论哪种方式,如果您没有运行Nougat并拥有扎根的手机,那么就没有理由使用Xposed。 实际上,如果您要寻找某些特定功能,则可能值得考虑将手机扎根。


xposed root


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